I looked into my blog and I feel that I'm not touching on the subjects that effect me. I was more worried about my readers and as of right now I only have two. There are some things I am dealing with and this will be my drive to reform the blog to the best that it can be.
First, I am getting married to the most woman in the world and there are a lot of things that this real man needs to prepare himself for. I have been dealing with family issues (and who doesn't) which effects my next issue. For years I have had a struggle with my emotions and feelings which results into having anger issues. I want people to see a journey that most men will not take.
This is Real Men Speak. Real men are honest, confident and they take responsibility for their actions. I cannot go another week being someone I am not or who I don't want to be. This is going to be a big step for me no matter what happens. If I have one reader or 500, I am going hard no matter what. Look out life, here I come.