Thursday, March 29, 2012

Real Men Can Learn From Mary Poppins

Hey MEN, have you watch Mary Poppins lately? It's the movie where a British nanny comes from out of nowhere and discipline the children while their father, Mr. Banks, leaves for work and usually comes back home and doesn't lift a finger.

Although I cannot see you, I'm pretty sure you are Mr. Banks. Yes, you.

You come home from work, you want a hot meal and you put your kids on someone else's plate and expect that person to digest what you served them. Now, I believe most children are great people but they all need to know their responsibilities and roles in the house. But, this also includes dads and husbands as well.

One day you will come home and that person you depended on (mother, wife, girlfriend, nanny) will not be there. The kids are tearing up the house and there isn't even a bologna sandwich waiting for you. What do you do?

First, grab a broom, mop, bucket, cleaner and a sponge because it is time to clean house. If a man can do anything, he can certainly clean a house. Why wait for your wife to do it? You don't need your mamma. You need to put in some work and stop being lazy.

If you are single then you have to clean after yourself. There is no way getting over that. There is no single woman that is thinking, "I would love a dirty man. Nothing turns me on more than old pizza boxes and a sink full or dirty dishes."

Husbands, we are running out of time. Women are beginning to make more than men in the workforce and we should be doing all that we can to make sure the woman in our lives aren't getting board of us.

A decent man told me, "Women treat men like cars. Make sure you're running good or else they will trade you in for a new one." If this is true I hope I have a Power Train warranty and 56 miles per gallon.

If you are not cleaning by now, you have to start. It is extremely important for our future. One thing a woman likes is a man who can take care of himself. If he can't take care of himself, why should she believe she will be taken care of?

If you are a guy who needs some help getting started, watch Hoarders. Once you see an episode it will turn you into a "oh-hell-no-not-me" attitude.

Finally, take care of your kids. There are so many stories and cases where daddy wasn't around or abused their kids verbally, mentally or physically (if he stayed). I'm not asking you to be their best friend but why can't you pay attention to them?

As my kid free days are closing in, I only dream of the day I come home to see how my child or children has evolved by life's natural lessons. Also, what life doesn't teach them it will be my responsibility to guide them.

At the end of the movie Mr. Banks hangs his head low as he dismissed his kids and ended up embarrassing himself in the process. Don't become Mr. Banks, guys. It will make you sick to your stomach when the kids are all gone and they despise you.

Because we can always change, Mary can help your illness. Remember, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

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