Saturday, July 7, 2012

100% is too much

When you look on the news and the report is 66% humidity or 45% of votes you already conditioned your brain to scale the numbers on a 100% scale. What you never really see is 100% being reported on any subject. Why is that?

100% can mean perfection or disaster. It can mean full satisfaction or total disappointment. I used to listen to a lot of rap when I was a teen and now I don't understand 100% anymore. A lot rap now mentions full commitment, full determination and full attitude.

The term I hear from rap and it followers is "keep it 100."

You ever meet anyone who kept it real? Someone who like to tell what they think all the time? They are keeping it 100 while, in the midst of their personal success, become a jerk in the process. I realize now that going 100% can lead to a life of disasters. Even with God. People always think they are giving 100% to the God they serve but what they don't realize is the humanity in all of us that will never make them full Christians, Muslims, Jews or all of the rest.

How much are we allowed to love?

I love my wife more than what people would like to know and care about. Because I am a romantic, I have always felt this way because she gave me the chance to give her affection while others erected emotional barriers. Until a couple of days ago, I have given her 100% of my energy, love and devotion.

I stopped giving her that percentage for great reasons.

I have a son on the way. Who can be a 100% husband when you have a child who needs care and affection? I can't put that much energy into my wife anymore. Now there a 50/50 I have to split into. But I have a job too. So, I have to concentrate on that, right?? I got to put at least 45% at work and if you put more than 45% you need a new job or slow your role. You will never get that promotion because if you work 100 they will keep you there for fear that the numbers will fall.

I have to be a son and make sure my parents are alright. Sometimes I wish it was 5% of myself devoted to them but you know that they always want more. There is one person that I never gave 100% to in a long time and this person deserves a big increase.

I never put 100% in myself.

For years I have always put my time and energy in those around me and never got to give myself any time or attention. My son is on the way and I would have for his role model to have self doubt or personal growth. He needs to know about taking time to smell the roses and to follow his dreams instead of keeping someone's lost dream alive.

Everyone needs a balance. If you're stressed out or going through things you are not balanced. I'm also not inferring that it is your fault but the truth is something is off in your life. Whatever it takes to maintain stability make that be the only thing that you give 100%.

Because everything else is too much

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Doctor's Steal and Get Away For It

A year ago, I was a groupie for my wife's job. Every function that was open to others, I attended knowing I was going to have a good time. The Florissant Fall Festival was a fun event I covered while my wife worked the booth. I came across a table with black women in doctor coats. I was turned on by the Serenity Healthcare. It was an all African-American women OB/GYN doctor's office.

My wife is African-American and thought it would be nice for her to have a doctor who could relate.

Boy was I wrong.

At first, it started out well. She was able to get in and out in a jiffy and she started to feel welcome. I wonder if that was a welcome cycle that would turn south after a couple of visits. As she progress into the pregnancy we noticed something odd. We started to get billed for our deductible in high doses at a time, along with separate charges for ultrasounds and other procedures. We assumed that was what our deductible covered so we decided to call our insurance provider for information.

This was not the news we wanted to hear.

Our provider informed us that some offices charge for the birth upfront and so we would have pick up a check, given by the the insurance company, to give to the hospital after the baby is born.

There's more.

We were informed by her co-worker, who is a patient at Serenity, that the doctors charge for extra and unnecessary ultrasounds to make extra profit. Now that we caught wind to all of this we have decided to move on to her older doctor.

More trouble.

After asking for her charts to be transferred to another office the receptionist mentions that they charge to transfer charts!


My wife asked for them to just give the charts to her. They STILL CHARGE THE SAME for both options. A 20$ flat fee is applied PLUS $.50 per PAGE!!!!


We have not parted ways from Serenity but we will soon. I just can't believe what used to be a free service to patients are now a way to keep you as a patient. I feel like doctor's offices are turning into cell phone service contracts. To leave, you have to pay a penalty and there is no way around it.

Is this a new HIPPA law? Is this a loophole around "Obamacare?" Is this a criminal act?

Both our mothers work in the health industry and they have never heard of such insanity in their long careers.

This may be a tangent but it is surely a wake-up call to all of my readers.

Before you become a patient at a new office ask about their policies on transferring your medical records. This trend might be a new mandate in the future. I'm not calling for people to talk to their Senators or Representatives but I will say be aware of you doctor.

It's kind of hard to save for a baby when you are trampled with medical bills flying left and right. It has put us in a temporary bind that Dr. Huxtable would never put us in.

At this point, I'd rather have Dr. Kevorkian take me now. At least he wouldn't steal from me. He would just put me to sleep and rid me from Dr. Grief.

Kung FU BABY!!!!

I was watching netflix and came across Ralphie May, a comedian, performing his stand-up special. He started a bit about making love to his pregnant wife with his unborn son being apart of the action. Well, not intentionally. He looked down at her stomach and seen the baby do the "Mummy sandstorm routine." That's when the baby runs his face across the belly and open his mouth like a monster trying to get out. This maybe the wost intro ever, but this is about the first time I felt the baby kick.

Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with sex. You weirdos. You know who you are.

He's my kung fu baby. That is the only way I can describe it. For the last two weeks my wife has been preaching about Robert Jr. moving inside and I never get any proof. I would lay my hand on her belly and he automatically turns into NINJA BABY! He hides in the shadows of the womb without a trace.

Baby Vanish!

He returns when I am at my weakest state. Bedtime. My wife tells me he like to move around and kick around midnight, which is her usual sleeping time. He has kept her up in recent nights but I have plans to put him to rest.

One evening on the couch my wife, suddenly, grabs my hands to her stomach.

Baby vs. Daddy

I place my hand on her stomach and baby lands as right kick to my hand. He kicked so hard I saw one foot and five toes!
Baby Wins! Flawless Victory.

I have seen it in movies and heard stories but nothing comes close to feeling your first baby's kick. It was amazing to verify that my wife wasn't crazy and feel the little guy move around. Also, I know that this is only the beginning and there will be more kicking involved. I feel like after a few weeks he will master womb-kwan-do and we will spar again.

I have won two battles so far. He began to move one night and I put my face towards my wife's belly with two hand in a deep voice.


No more moving for the rest of the night. I guess Future Daddy's still got it.